There’s no better feeling than having your finances in order, that includes your tax return. Whether it be an effective budget, or automated investments, financial literacy cannot be recommended enough. HM Revenue & Customs feels the same. This year HMRC is encouraging their customers to prepare their returns as soon as possible. This will ensure that you minimise the possibility of mistakes. It also means you can better prepare to make the payment on time.

This week we’re looking at tax returns and discussing 6 reasons as to why you should be filing sooner rather than later.

Here’s How:

1) Avoid Last-Minute Rush: Filing early means you can likely avoid the stress and potential mistakes that often come with last-minute submissions. By filing early, you guarantee yourself ample time to gather all the necessary documents and information.

2) Receive Refunds Sooner: If you’re owed a refund, submitting your tax return early means you’ll most likely receive this money faster, giving a boost to your finances.

3) Reduce the Risk of Penalties: Filing your tax return on time means that you’ll avoid any late submission penalties. By filing early, you minimise your chance of penalties due to unforeseen delays.

4) Plan for Better Payments: If you owe taxes, filing early gives you more time to plan and budget for this payment, avoiding a scramble for funds.

5) Access to Professional Help: Accountants and tax professionals are less busy early in the tax season than they are later. This means they can give more time and attention to your tax return in comparison to other businesses.

6) Ease of Mind: Completing your tax return early will provide you with a worthwhile peace of mind. Rathe than worrying over looming deadlines, you can instead focus on other important work.

Overall, filing your tax return early can save you time, reduce stress, and improve your financial management.