• How to Conquer Procrastination!
  • Why do we Procrastinate?
  • The Value of Self-Discipline
You did it again, didn’t you? You scrolled through Instagram, tidied your room, and read a few more chapters of your book than you meant to. Now it’s three in the morning, and the task you had set yourself yesterday is no closer to completion. First of all, don’t worry, you’re not alone. We’ve all done this at one point in time. But while a one-off all-nighter can be harmless, persistent procrastination can seriously disrupt your relationship with work. Why do we Procrastinate? Procrastination is the delaying or postponing of tasks, usually those that have an approaching deadline. Procrastinating can become frustrating and counterproductive, so why do we do it? There are dozens of reasons for procrastination, but here’s a few of the most common ones,
  • Lack of Motivation – We often lose motivation towards a project, especially if the task isn’t enjoyable. It is tempting to evade these tasks and spend time doing things we enjoy.
  • Poor Time Management – Many people underestimate the time needed to complete a task, choosing to prioritise less important activities instead.
  • Perfectionism – Whilst it’s important to be passionate in regard to your work, it can be easy to focus too heavily on one thing, leaving less time for other work.
How to Conquer Procrastination! Here’s the hard truth. Procrastination generally has little to do with the tasks at hand, and everything to do with your approach to them. Without self-discipline, you can’t break bad habits, bad habits will encourage distraction, and distractions make you procrastinate! What you (and most of us) need to do, is to approach our work differently, with a positive and calculated attitude. You can do this by, 1) Removing Distractions – This one is probably the hardest of the bunch. As we said before, it can be easy to become distracted by things that are simply more enjoyable than your work. When this is the case, it’s best to remove these distractions. This means putting phones in drawers, closing Netflix and making sure to stay off social media. 2) Having an Awareness of Time – Don’t disregard the amount of time it takes to complete certain tasks. Even if your estimate is correct, take into account the time needed for possible research, editing, and any problems that may arise. Maybe set timers for yourself, or if working in a group, have someone else time you. 3) Breaking Things Up – Approaching a large task can be intimidating and off-putting. Next time, try breaking a task into separate pieces, giving a certain amount of time to each one. Not only will this create a plan, but it will utilise those time awareness skills we mentioned before. The Value of Self-Discipline Procrastination is nothing to feel embarrassed about, it’s something we’ve all done (and will occasionally continue to do.) The important thing is to ensure that the occasional off night doesn’t become a regular occurrence. When approaching work with a positive mindset, and a well-thought plan, we can avoid the feelings that cause us to procrastinate. Through this focus, we can work more efficiently, giving us more time to do the things we love. Baxterworld are always looking for new ways to avoid procrastination. If you agree with us, or have any ideas of your own, let us know! #procrastination #working #WorkLifeBalance #business #businesssuccess #selfimprovement #smallbusinessowneruk #officelife #it #growthmindset