When you start a new food business or take over an existing business, you must register with your local authority. You should do this at least 28 days before food operations start.

This applies to food businesses trading:
  • from physical customer-facing premises
  • from home
  • from a mobile unit or temporary premises
  • online (for example via social media or a website) or through distance selling (distance selling means any selling that happens without face-to-face contact with the consumer)
You will need to register if you:
  • sell food.
  • cook food.
  • store or handle food
  • prepare food.
  • distribute food.

Companies involved with food distribution, brokerage or food supply that operate from an office should also register as a food business.

Additionally, registration is free and cannot be refused. It’s essential to keep your registration details up to date, notifying the local authority of any significant changes to your business, such as a change of address, business activities, or ownership.

Failing to register can result in fines or other legal consequences, so ensure compliance to avoid disruptions. Registration helps local authorities conduct necessary inspections and provide support to ensure your business meets food safety standards.

For more detailed information and assistance with the registration process, contact your local authority or visit their website for guidelines and resources.

This applies even if no food is kept at the premises. If you operate in more than one location, you need to register each premise with the local authority in which they are located.

You can register here:

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