Get ready for changes! Starting April 1, 2023, new minimum wage rates are set to roll out, impacting workers across various sectors. From adjustments in pay scales to potential economic implications, stay informed with our comprehensive guide to navigating the latest updates in minimum wage regulations.

New minimum wage rates from 1 April 2023 
A handy reminder of the new numbers: 


Age     Old rate           New Rate       %age 

23         £9.50   £10.42               9.7% 

21-22  £9.18   £10.18              10.9% 

18-20  £6.83   £7.49                9.7% 

16-17  £4.81   £5.28                 9.7% 


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These changes aim to ensure that workers receive a fair wage that aligns with the cost of living. The increases are particularly significant for younger workers and apprentices, who often earn lower wages compared to their older counterparts. This adjustment helps to narrow the income gap and provide better financial support for all employees.

Impact on Employers and Employees

Businesses must update their payroll systems to reflect the new rates from 1 April 2023. Failure to comply can result in penalties and damage to the company’s reputation. Employers should also communicate these changes to their staff to ensure transparency and understanding.


For workers, the new rates mean higher take-home pay, which can contribute to better financial stability and quality of life. Employees should check their pay slips from April onwards to ensure they are receiving the correct wages.


The new minimum wage rates represent a positive step towards improving earnings for low-paid workers in the UK. Both employers and employees need to be aware of these changes and take the necessary actions to comply with and benefit from the updated regulations.

For further information, guidance, and support on the new minimum wage rates, visit the official UK government website or consult with your HR department. Better yet, contact us at Baxterworld today for help and advice.